Voting ended at: Dec. 3, 2023, 6 p.m.

Weight after voting: 35.69 / 36.480

Voting was available from the event start and a week after the finish.


35 Sync. Web challs were good, med difficulty

32 ashiri Intermediate to hard level of challenges. Stable infra. Enjoyed it.

36 0x6fe1be2 very interesting pwn challenge especially flipper

36 4n86rakam1 good ctf

35 crazyman nice pwn and most chal -1 only for infra problem hope next year it will be more better

36 rnbwdsh nice crypto, web, ez misc

36 ctfguy Good ctf

36 ctfguy Good ctf

36 Cybernatural Nice Challenges

36 dr3dd.ctf Nice Challenges.

36 TTH Solid CTF, liked most of the challenges

36 duckl1ng gg

36 PeaceRanger Very hard challs, especially the pwns. But interesting challs nonetheless.

36 SpaghettiMuffin So hard bruh

36 bliutech Some interesting challenges. Really fun!

36 poniponiponiponiponiponiponi very good pwn, easy web

36 samuzora good blockchain

30 samuzora good blockchain

36 Danibal34 The pwn was hard , good ctf

36 sahuang quality chals, hard pwns. would be better to not have a huge difficulty gap between pwn and everything else.

36 kh0kh0 solid and well balanced CTF. web was a bit guessy or I'm bad at it

36 bawolff Good ctf. My only complaint is i wish there were more web problems that were less contrived.