Tags: crypto 


## HXP CTF 2022 - yor (Misc 116)
### 10-12/03/2023 (48hr)

## Description

**Difficulty estimate:** easy - easy

**Points:** round(1000 · min(1, 10 / (9 + [83 solves]))) = 116 points


*XOR is so last year (just like this CTF).*

*Introducing YOR.*

yor-de99ca0309bcf72b.tar.xz (12.7 KiB)

**Connection (mirrors):**
nc 10101

## Solution

Let's look at the challenge code (`vuln.py`):
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import random

greets = [
"Herzlich willkommen! Der Schlüssel ist {0}, und die Flagge lautet {1}.",
"Bienvenue! Le clé est {0}, et le drapeau est {1}.",
"Hartelijk welkom! De sleutel is {0}, en de vlag luidt {1}.",
"Witamy! Niestety nie mówię po polsku...",

flag = open('flag.txt').read().strip()
assert set(flag.encode()) <= set(range(0x20,0x7f))

key = bytes(random.randrange(256) for _ in range(16))
hello = random.choice(greets).format(key.hex(), flag).encode()

output = bytes(y | key[i%len(key)] for i,y in enumerate(hello))

Please refer to [yor_crack.py](./yor_crack.py) for more details.

So the flag is: `hxp{WhY_5et7L3_f0r_X0R_iF_y0u_C4n_h4v3_Y0R????}`

Original writeup (https://github.com/ispoleet/ctf-writeups/tree/master/hxp_ctf_2022/yor).