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Mapna CTF is a beginner-friendly Capture The Flag event designed to help teams enhance their skills and knowledge. It encompasses various standard categories such as Web, Forensics, Cryptography, Reverse Engineering, and Exploit, along with additional undisclosed categories. If you have inquiries, you can find our contact information at the bottom of each page. However, we kindly request that you review the official rules before reaching out to us via email.

CTF events

Mapna CTF 202424.59
Related tags: bash lua php c++ html css networking phishing metasploit linux websec kali servers hacking penetration exploitation proxy python protocols python3 web net shell sql admin stuff steganography osint crypto firefox-history red-herring ftp warmup forensics newline wireshark urlencode pathtraversal s7comm gimp xcf file-recovery reverse online crytography file_structure