Tags: misc miscellaneous 

Rating: 5.0

We are given a prompt to enter git commands. After some trial and error we can see that the `git grep` command is allowed. Knowing the flag format is `0xL4ugh{something}` we can use `grep ugh` and that should find all files that have the string `ugh` and should print out the flag.

└─$ nc 50001

_____ _ _ ___ ___
| __ (_) | | \/ |
| | \/_| |_| . . | ___ _____ __
| | __| | __| |\/| |/ _ \/ _ \ \ /\ / /
| |_\ \ | |_| | | | __/ (_) \ V V /
\____/_|\__\_| |_/\___|\___/ \_/\_/

[+] Welcome challenger to the epic GIT Madness, can you read /flag.txt?
Enter git commands (Enter an empty line to end):
grep ugh



Flag: `0xL4ugh{GiT_D0c3_F0r_Th3_WiN}`