
>I hack your brain!


Looking at [hack.py](./hack.py),
from Crypto.Util.number import *
from hashlib import md5

flag = "XXX"
assert len(flag) == 14
pad = bytes_to_long(md5(flag).digest())

hack = 0

for char in flag:
hack+= pad
hack*= ord(char)

print hack
#hack = 64364485357060434848865708402537097493512746702748009007197338675
#flag_to_submit = "MeePwnCTF{" + flag + "}"
We first try to factor the `hack` number: http://factordb.com/index.php?query=64364485357060434848865708402537097493512746702748009007197338675, so we see that it is factorable. The reason why we do this is because we know that `hack` is multiplied by the last character of the flag before its value is `64364485357060434848865708402537097493512746702748009007197338675`, so the last character of the flag is one of the factors of `64364485357060434848865708402537097493512746702748009007197338675`.

Assuming that the flag is printable ASCII characters, we don't have to search all 255 possible chars, just letters (upper and lowercase), numbers, and punctuation. Looking at the divisors of `hack`, we conclude that the possible values of our flag is `[105, 107, 75, 35, 45, 63]` or `['i', 'k', 'K', '#', '-', '?']`. Now that we know what the last character of our flag could be, we still need to figure out `pad` in order to guess the other values of the characters of our flag.

Let's first rewrite `hack`. When the for loop runs for the first time, `hack = ord(flag_1) * pad`, here `flag_1` just denotes the 1st character of the flag. The second time `hack = ord(flag_2) * (hack + pad) = ord(flag_2) * (ord(flag_1 * pad) + pad)`. The third time `hack = ord(flag_3) * (hack + pad) = ord(flag_3) * (ord(flag_2) * (ord(flag_1 * pad) + pad)) + pad)`. This continues 14 times, however note that we can factor out `pad`, meaning that `pad` also has to be a factor of `64364485357060434848865708402537097493512746702748009007197338675`!. We know that md5 is 128 bits, or 16 bytes, so that means that `pad` will have a maximum value of `0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff`, so we just have to check the divisors of `64364485357060434848865708402537097493512746702748009007197338675` that are less than or equal to `0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff`.

So the plan is to loop through each candidate of `pad` and then get the possible values for the other characters of our flag, and then check if the 14-length string is our flag. We can check by just using the same `hack.py`, just modifying the last line to check if `hack == 64364485357060434848865708402537097493512746702748009007197338675`

The final code is in [solution.py](./solution.py). Things to note: I first try the last character of the flag as `63` or `?` because it seems the most logical (I got lucky that it was the right one). If it wasn't right, then I'd have to change my code slightly to replace the occurences of `63` with my new guess for the last char. Also `factorization` doesn't contain all of the factors of `64364485357060434848865708402537097493512746702748009007197338675`, rather the factors of `64364485357060434848865708402537097493512746702748009007197338675//63`. I took out `63` from the factorization as `pad` can't take on any values that are divisible by 63, then that would mean that `64364485357060434848865708402537097493512746702748009007197338675` is divisible by `63^2` (which it isn't).
import itertools
from operator import mul
import copy
from Crypto.Util.number import *
from hashlib import md5

factorization = [(5, 2), (107, 1), (487, 1), (607, 1), (28429, 1), (29287, 1), (420577267963, 1), (3680317203978923, 1), (1002528655290265069, 1)]
values = [[(factor**e) for e in range(exp+1)] for (factor, exp) in factorization]
l = [];
printable = [48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106, 107, 108, 109, 110, 111, 112, 113, 114, 115, 116, 117, 118, 119, 120, 121, 122, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 83, 84, 85, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 123, 124, 125, 126, 32]

def getM(s, pr):
m = [];
for c in pr:
if s % c == 0:
return m;

def hack(fla):
assert len(fla) == 14
pad = bytes_to_long(md5(fla).digest())

hack = 0

for char in fla:
hack+= pad
hack*= ord(char)

return hack == 64364485357060434848865708402537097493512746702748009007197338675

#print getM(64364485357060434848865708402537097493512746702748009007197338675, printable);

for xs in itertools.product(*values): #xs is a divisor of our number
sss = reduce(mul, xs, 1);
if ((sss <= 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff)):

news = 64364485357060434848865708402537097493512746702748009007197338675//63 - sss
mods = getM(news, printable);

if len(mods) > 0:
temps = copy.copy(news);
for mmm in mods:
news = news//mmm - sss;
mods2 = getM(news, printable);
if len(mods2) > 0:
temp2s = copy.copy(news);
for mmm2 in mods2:
news = news//mmm2 - sss;
mods3 = getM(news, printable);
if len(mods3) > 0:
temp3s = copy.copy(news);
for mmm3 in mods3:
news = news//mmm3 - sss;
mods4 = getM(news, printable);
if len(mods4) > 0:
temp4s = copy.copy(news);
for mmm4 in mods4:
news = news//mmm4 - sss;
mods5 = getM(news, printable);
if len(mods5) > 0:
temp5s = copy.copy(news);
for mmm5 in mods5:
news = news//mmm5 - sss;
mods6 = getM(news, printable);
if len(mods6) > 0:
temp6s = copy.copy(news);
for mmm6 in mods6:
news = news//mmm6 - sss;
mods7 = getM(news, printable);
if len(mods7) > 0:
temp7s = copy.copy(news);
for mmm7 in mods7:
news = news//mmm7 - sss;
mods8 = getM(news, printable);
if len(mods8) > 0:
temp8s = copy.copy(news);
for mmm8 in mods8:
news = news//mmm8 - sss;
mods9 = getM(news, printable);
if len(mods9) > 0:
temp9s = copy.copy(news);
for mmm9 in mods9:
news = news//mmm9 - sss;
mods10 = getM(news, printable);
if len(mods10) > 0:
temp10s = copy.copy(news);
for mmm10 in mods10:
news = news//mmm10 - sss;
mods11 = getM(news, printable);
if len(mods11) > 0:
temp11s = copy.copy(news);
for mmm11 in mods11:
news = news//mmm11 - sss;
mods12 = getM(news, printable);
if len(mods12) > 0:
temp12s = copy.copy(news);
for mmm12 in mods12:
news = news//mmm12 - sss;
mods13 = getM(news, printable);
if len(mods13) > 0:
temp13s = copy.copy(news);
for mmm13 in mods13:
news = news//mmm13 - sss;
mods14 = getM(news, printable);
flagg = chr(63) + chr(mmm) + chr(mmm2) + chr(mmm3) + chr(mmm4) + chr(mmm5) + chr(mmm6) + chr(mmm7) + chr(mmm8) + chr(mmm9) + chr(mmm10) + chr(mmm11) + chr(mmm12) + chr(mmm13);
if hack(flagg[::-1]):
print 'FOUND IT:', flagg[::-1], sss;
news = temp13s;
news = temp12s;
news = temp11s;
news = temp10s;
news = temp9s;
news = temp8s;
news = temp7s;
news = temp6s;
news = temp5s;
news = temp4s;
news = temp3s;
news = temp2s;
news = temps;
After running the code for a couple of minutes we get `FOUND IT: d0y0ul1keM@TH? 181900073144279366933091092045656603525`. Our flag is `MeePwnCTF{d0y0ul1keM@TH?}`.

Original writeup (https://github.com/DDOS-Attacks/ctf-writeups/blob/master/2017/MeePwn%20CTF%201st%202017/Crypto/MATH/README.md).