Offical URL:

The CTF is run by the Hamburg local chapter of the Chaos Computer Club during the Hackover event.

#hackover-ctf on (TLS only!).

The tasks will contain classical categories like binary pwnable, forensics, crypto, reversing, misc etc

CTF events

Hackover CTF 201823.96
Hackover CTF 201624.21
Hackover CTF 20155.00
Related tags: not go sais je pas recon scripting hacking crypto networking forensics acm web pwn python maths social engineering nothing trivia reverse engineering nes gdb ida rc4 distinguish pin misc encoding regex html bash attacks wireless all at systems computer password cracking security password-cracking coding koujiao utf-9 rfc4042 substitution steganography smtp xss android sql extension dmesg vm known-plaintext apk unknown elymas raspberry electronics hardware sqlinjection hql hibernate pwntools dynelf formatstring angr writeup cats hidden stego matlab xor video russian network pwn2win lcg reverse binary off-by-one heap exploit reversing clemency pwnable pcap osint rev movfuscated re brute blackbox morse audacity ffmpg lisp clojure eval binwalk sqli github robots cookies cookie http headers git path-traversal make turing_machine hash-collision dos paillier safe_prime gpg recovery audio analysis hash information_gathering tar zip directory-traversal data-structure user-agent png archive format pwning netcat jvm shell graal revshell stalking ruby sqlite log system pathtraversal file_signature stegano sigint rsa java uaf pentest ssh ethereum blockchain cve