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CyberTalents is a platform that ranks cyber security professionals across the globe by running CTF competitions

CTF events

Quals: Saudi and Oman National Cyber Security CTF25.00
Jordan & Tunisia National CTF25.00
Oman National Cyber Security CTF Finals0.00
Oman National Cyber Security CTF Quals25.00
CyberTalents CTFs 20170.00
Related tags: misc network hacking pwn steganography coding forensics networking python reverse crypto linux engineering analysis security things vulnerability analysis network securtity reverse engineering programming.algorithm nothing exploiting exploitation packet analysis exploit web zip write ctf2016 ctf forensic miscellaneous algorithms gaming reversing sleeping sqli injection sql format-string srop abbas afah wiki re transposition cryptanalysis cryptography jordan javascript sqlinjection mysql stego classic-crypto xss information malware stegano stegno quiz reverse_engineering network docker reve rev rop mips go hardware osint rsa loopover ppc unicode glibc blockchain bitcoin ret2libc otp 2fa practical mail php5 rce hill-cipher flag{is_this_caesar_cipher?} authentification