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UUTCTF is a student CTF competition which is going to be held by Urmia University of Technology ( The organization is going to be held in corporation with UUCERT (Urmia Cert Center).

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CTF events

UUTCTF 202115.26
UUTCTF 202019.71
UUTCTF 201919.71
Related tags: stuff network security forensics reverse crypto pwn programming python penetration testing engineering reverse engineering networking devops wifi cracking htm games java procrastination javascript coding nmap scanning basic hacking web electronics steganography sqlinjection reverse_engineering intel_hex intel_hex_format rev rsa ppm js jquery misc miscellaneous stego std_string c++ malloc_usable_size buffer-overflow string got one_gadget arbitrary-read annihilator lfsr stream cipher ppc russian houseofforce heap-overflow uut obfuscation pcap password 2019 encoding crpyto android cryptography-rsa angr frida multipart reversing flask werkzeug emoji encryption gnuradio wireless rf rtl-sdr warmups mission osint apk cryptography bof srop code beginner diffie-hellman bruteforce ftp red-herring log_poisoning lfi rce forensic reddit warmup minecraft mc86 cipher jacobi bufferoverflow rop firefox-history steg