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bi0sCTF is brought to you by team bi0s of Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, Amritapuri.

CTF events

bi0sCTF 202479.83
bi0sCTF 202254.81
InCTF 202170.41
InCTF 202053.95
InCTF 201937.00
InCTF 201825.00
InCTF 201725.00
InCTF 2015 Quals0.00
bi0sCTF 20120.00
Related tags: pwning crypto engineering mobile maths forensics signal analyzing ph malware buffer overflow attacks network hacking good not programming sqlinjection exploitation reverse engineering debugging developing java c steganography networks coding network security python hacking securtity sqli reverse linux c cryptanalysis unix socialengineering recon fuzzing web javascript html electronics network analyze storage systems programming systems sysadmin libc nothing bash enumeration php css fo audio engineering music production filmmaking infrastructure nmap bruteforce mysql sleeping android analysis lockpicking rsa common-factor collision md5 png misc pwntools formatstring radare2 pwn ltrace audio video mp3 xss local-storage oracle lsb stuff reversing math c++ exploiting servers scanning scripting reverse_engineering ppc dotcode qrcode mail sqlite angr algorithm art ssl assembler hashcat metasploit app pentesting binwalk arm design networking writeups windows ollydbg rce binaryexploitation learning things eat rev cryptography-rsa wiener pwnable sql xor golang script binary encoding lfi phantomjs z3 exploit rop server admin python3 tls pyjail sandbox ssrf heap commandinjection ssti netbsd unicorn string-format stegano bypass pdf file_signature pcap qemu mbr coppersmith crt volatility stego steghide snow cca2 ecc ephemeral houseofforce heap-overflow re memory forensic lora dump flash mindstorm lego 3d beginner_friendly uut got off-by-one one_gadget shellcode stack_overflow arm32 unsortedbin fastbin stack fastbindup robots psp kernel dropper aes-128 memory_dump history chrome memdump carving tcache lsb-oracle zip tcp wireshark dlp xoroshiro128+ prng spidermonkey firefox morse scapy miband revesing checkin checkout cypher vigenere brute-force cesar http_request_smuggling hash quantum gps gamehacking jemalloc v8 browser antidebug fmtstring asm pcapng ethereum blockchain wasm portknocking keylogger polynomial discrete-log investigation inctf ecdsa backdoor fini_array idapython machine cron pentest privesc tar algo binary-search gopher disk gameboy telnet reverse_shell sed ftp logs poisoning mitm command_injection blindsql ml ctf registry autopsy lfsr ellipticcurve docker js deobfuscation deobfuscating caesar hex2raw hex guess guessing osint perfect symbolic_execution write-what-where bof srop regex-injection mongodb mongoose nosql nodejs escapeshellcmd curl babypwn ctf_writeup ctf2018 medium hard easy cookies graphql jwt cloud fmtstr format-string data-structure redirect mission nas sniffing spoofing bls volatiltiy gdb gimp json_interoperability prototypepollution safari crlf xsleaks usb windows-forensics-analysis teamviewer browser-forensics slack anydesk windows-timeline android-forensics google-apps aleapp cve-2017-15804 adsdfsfdf otp assd adsfdfsfdf adsfdfsdgf adsfdffsdgf dgffsd dsfdffsdgf adsfdgfg adsfdgf sadsdfadsfd czscfsdfcdf adsdadsfdf adsfdfadsfdf online adsdfsd asdsd adsfdf caesar_shift prototype-pollution nginx cssinjection react pandas vm crlfinjection cgi exceptions escape csp-bypass redos xs-leak dom-clobbering dfir blockchain-forensics malware-analysis windows-forensics incident-response memory-forensics password-recovery azr43lkn1ght cache cache-probing jit incidentresponse azfr43lkn1ght malwarenalaysis windowsforensics threathunting mameoryforensics stealer recovery ransomware fileforensics browserforensics ransomware-investigation memoryforensics ransomware-analysis