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Ugra CTF is an open academic information security competition for beginners.

This CTF is organized by [team Team] in a joint effort with Ugra Research Institute of Information Technologies and Information Technologies and Digital Development Department of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug — Ugra.

CTF events

Ugra CTF Quals 202425.00
Ugra CTF Open 202326.82
Ugra CTF Quals 202325.00
Ugra CTF Quals 202231.00
Ugra CTF Quals 202124.55
Ugra CTF Finals 20200
Ugra CTF Quals 202024.55
Related tags: reverse engineering crypto web proxy scripting fuzzing pwning javascript python csharp linux java programming webpage-cookies flask pwn exploit plt got relro pwnable coding hashcat crypt cracking md5 format-string rsa reverse ppc modular-arithmetic exponentiation eulertheorem totient-function euler base64 audio image-processing qr mp3 qrcode binary-search qr-code misc path-commands xml svg substitution tls encoding stegano jail ecc cipher forensic pdf forensics cmap music simic fullpwn solang solana ethereum solidity network pentest