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DEADFACE CTF features jeopardy-style challenges and is hosted by Cyber Hacktics, CyberUp, and veterans of the United States Air Force in support of National Cyber Security Awareness Month.

CTF events

DEADFACE CTF 202333.74
Hacktober CTF20.33
Related tags: networking forensics re stego base64 md5 cryptography coding web bug-hunting html windows ios exploitation php crypto code javascript #web security reverse engineering exploiting stegnograohy csrf assembly language c programin algorithms c++ nothing programming pentest system java pwntools radare2 reverse x86 reversing android reverse pwn node.js xss python sqli inc rce js reverse_engineering c nmap c sql webshell owasp lfi reconaissance hash xsrf hacking engineering siem cybersecurity malware .net maths perl music fun binary csharp games linux kali enumeration oscp students not for computers network learning microsoft logic cracking still sleeping encodeing encryption sqlinjection jquery metasploit wireshark ctf obfuscated guessing exploit driving socialengineering forensic admin stegano joy net penetration websec pentesting revesing pwnable aws analysis static secure review secure- secure-coding keygening rev misc steganography miscellaneous sqlmap dos kaf2019 csp postman ida compression houseofforce heap-overflow blind-sqli or-injection gameboy emulator qr aztec qrcode cowsay code-injection signature rsa heap quine shellcode patching keylogger dotnet race condition padding socket shell cryptography-rsa math cellular aes octal header rot13 assembly 2020 writeup hacktober hunter ghost privilege_escalation suid mysql sqlite3 fornsics volatility perfect bonus virustotal crytography python3 regex des traffic linuxbasic pythonbasic scripting kotlin side-channel twitter hashcat exiftool brainfuck rot47 steghide rop osint machine-learning bof ret2win stack-buffer-overflow file float keepass machine graphql mission vm wasm antidebug bytecode rand ropchain format-string seccomp flask pin packet-capture pcap bloodbash4 2021 deadface all a-loan voice syncopatedbeat deadfacectf hybrid exceptions blockchain evm uuid scm mercurial cpp smart-contract upload realpath bypass traffic-analysis encoding hex ascii railfence cipher caesar morse barcode vigenere rot reverseimagesearch trivial grep bruteforce stegsolve vimshell escape vim list lisp programmation recursif fonctionnel recursive functional macros vba xor