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Our team was founded by students at the University of Virginia, and we have been running CTFs since 2014. While there will be plenty of hard problems for those looking for a challenge, our competitions are designed to help folks learn some new tools, techniques, and skills. In addition to public events like CyberGames, we have already run over 70 other CTFs.

We're always looking to grow, so if you'd like to join our group, please email [email protected]. Our team already has already folks from UMBC, UIUC, DSU, VCU, MSU, GMU, and Liberty University. Non-students are welcome as well!

CTF events

MetaCTF CyberGames 202124.09
MetaCTF CyberGames 202024.09
Related tags: algo web math javascript dos games wifi cracking crypto infrastructure forensics kali linux python penetration testing exploitation reverse engineering hodor quick learner intelligence gathering and analysis fun network securtity vulnerability research coding sqli c++ csharp cryptography programming coder learning code malware java reconaissance embedded music joking. cats google enumeration scanning pentesting c c algorithms trivia steganography reversing miscellaneous ruby devops reverse cooking exploit networking android programming.algorithm reverse_engineering nothing windows ctf mobile assembly design pentest writinglinuxsecuritymodule vulnerability wireshark binaryexploitation bot botnet phishing scans cracking kali linux socialengineering armitage ssh nmap vbscript network sqlmap owasp misc wordpress pwn secure-coding z3 pickle escape base64 apktools ecdh robots engineering memory_dump volatility keepass raid5 disk unlink off-by-one hackimctf hackim game modding radare2 heap hex forensic opencv vision stack_overflow vm reverseng python3 pigpen pcap cookies base32 flask format-string integeroverflow jwt php bufferoverflow crytography pwntools webexploitation grep reverse-engineering packet-analysis binary-exploitation ropchain libc-2.28 rop crytpography basic sql azure lfi binwalk libc-2.34 substitution file_signature osint hash sha1 powershell ftp web-exploitation one-time-pad xor rsa shellcode recon sigrop attack 7zip bkcrack zip plaintext zipcrypto .net windbg xxe sqlite session wasm webassembly js foren rev fsb ppc vrf front-running smart-contract blockchain