Voting ended at: June 5, 2022, 4 a.m.

Weight after voting: 20.91 / 25.0

Voting was available from the event start and a week after the finish.


25 mahdi.abadi Nice CTF

1 nguyenguyen753 guessy :p

25 adhkr Best ctf ever

25 hawkey3

25 Kaiser784 it was good

1 sird1 guessy challanges

25 cx18 creative qr code challs

25 neilk nice admins

25 __diko good

25 -Q- Good

25 tbi nice ctf

25 CalamariDude creative challenges

25 pinkHat its pretty nice ctf

25 ParallaxKnight Guessy Challs

20 n0w4n Nice challenges. OSINT was a refreshing category, but was a bit guessy.

23 crackcat OSINT was a bit guessy but overall nice challenges

1 srbleu Very guessy challenges

20 CPUKiller Very Good but there are some challenges not really related to cyber security more than guessing

25 jndk Nice

17 Logos17 Great

23 Vo1ume A few challenges required a lot of guessing, but overall a good time

25 alexbrent1996 Good ctf, but too much guessy challenges!

23 altareen Good CTF, although kind of guessy.

25 __diko good

15 SHAOCHI_LU too guessy

25 Wacha-3 Awesome CTF!

25 k0r3s cool ctf

25 jicerus Lots of guessing

25 loginlogin1 Guessing

25 whoamins Guessing game...

25 nosurf Great CTF, the team enjoyed playing :)

20 y0un9 Good ctf

20 c0d3_br3ak3r good ctf

25 d0ppler Great CTF with very diverse problems

23 4dr15hy4 A lot of big gaps between 2 challenge trails, but overall wonderful

7 otakuu Very guessy challenges

24 NicoNekoru Some fun and some annoying challenges (shouty 2! I hate you!). Overall a less beginner friendly than advertised ctf but still very fun.

23 RJCyber osint was a bit guessy, but great challenges

25 nootkroot really fun ctf with some awesome challenges

24 sahuang Solid as first CTF.

22 nanzgctfs Didn't encounter major issues. Some challenges required too much guesswork. Wonderful and efficient support team.

25 cash-hunter Great challenges. Some OSINT ones gave trouble but were satisfying once completed.

25 dimike96 Didn't encounter major issues, enjoyed the challenges thoroughly

23 dimike96 Didn't encounter major issues, enjoyed the challenges thoroughly

25 gayatri Wonderful challenges!

25 tiennvhe163008 nice

25 kabinet good ctf

20 ninchy0 Good CTF indeed, managed to solve 3 challenges for the team. XD

20 LinuxBro Good first attempt at a CTF. Had a 2 challenges that had some issues, but otherwise had good challenges.