Voting ended at: Feb. 18, 2024, 7 p.m.

Weight after voting: 32.31 / 37.500

Voting was available from the event start and a week after the finish.


1 someone12469 вы что наделали...

37 k.eii unique challenges, but only telegram group, maybe next year with discord ?

37 tr3ad0s nice ctf


37 C4T4D0R Great CTF

37 9x14S Very interesting CTF

37 NToneE кайф

37 sypso A great CTF held annually by [team Team] deserves those 37 points.

37 crazyman 1

1 uvicorn потому что 36.11 это слишком..

37 Tirken The first CTF, played alone. I really liked it

37 h1dz3 Great CTF, but Minecraft in CTF is evil!

25 m0w0kl cool

14 m0w0kl cool

37 SHAOCHI_LU good ctf

37 jtr1k nice ctf

37 Fastyyy Орги топ!!! Задания хорошие, а главное интересные

32 uvicorn better than last stego. but tasks not so difficult. 32 потому что меня в чате за слив флагов забанили

37 wx0rx baza.

37 sergwest мало реверса

37 ykolko таски непростые, но очень интересные. team Team one love?

37 lloydik Nice Web tasks. Bad forensics tasks

37 medovsq прекрасный ctf, прекрасные задания, хорошие вежливые и отзывчивые организаторы

37 CyberFatherRT Beautiful CTF! One of my favorite!

31 TheAirBlow good ctf but a bit guessy

37 Boris_Ber Great tasks, taskwriters and platform!

37 Lowder Great CTF! Participating was a big fun. Everything was organized perfectly

37 literide Писали всей тимой вобще топчик