Tue, 01 Dec. 2009, 00:00 UTC — Wed, 02 Dec. 2009, 00:00 UTC 


UCSB iCTF event.

Format: Attack-Defense Attack-Defense

Official URL: http://ictf.cs.ucsb.edu/

Future weight: 0.00 

Rating weight: 0.00 

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40 teams total

PlaceTeamCTF pointsRating points
1 CInsects 0.0000.000
2 WE_0WN_Y0U 0.0000.000
3 ChocolateMakers 0.0000.000
4 Plaid Parliament of Pwning 0.0000.000
5 ENOFLAG 0.0000.000
6 HackerDom 0.0000.000
7 gn00bz 0.0000.000
8 Tower of Hanoi 0.0000.000
9 Ulm Security Sparrows 0.0000.000
10 FluxFingers 0.0000.000
11 nibbles 0.0000.000
12 WildRide 0.0000.000
13 f0gd0gs 0.0000.000
14 NYUSEC 0.0000.000
15 squareroots 0.0000.000
16 Defender of the Flag 0.0000.000
17 RPISEC 0.0000.000
18 Graham's Crackers 0.0000.000
19 Smoked Chicken 0.0000.000
20 WCSC 0.0000.000
21 ufologists 0.0000.000
22 h4ck1nb3rg 0.0000.000
23 SiBears 0.0000.000
24 UC Lions 0.0000.000
25 Leet More 0.0000.000
26 Cheddar Horsemen 0.0000.000
27 pwnyexpress 0.0000.000
28 [censored] 0.0000.000
29 0ldEur0pe 0.0000.000
30 c00kies@venice 0.0000.000
31 int80 0.0000.000
32 keva 0.0000.000
33 in23canation 0.0000.000
34 PeterPEN 0.0000.000
35 Red Cops 0.0000.000
36 SYPER 0.0000.000
37 m4d c0wZ 0.0000.000
38 WTF 0.0000.000
39 LIST 0.0000.000
40 Kernel Sanders 0.0000.000
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