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Because knowledge is always more useful when it is shared, WOCSA association gathers experts as laymen, professionnals, private individuals and students with one purpose : try to make the digital world a safer and fairer place for everyone.
It is by encouraging exchanges in all their forms and by promoting communication around cybersecurity that the association is trying to make cybersecurity as widely known as possible with the ultimate goal of allowing everyone to protect themselves better.
Through its working and reflection groups, its works, its workshops and its public interventions, the association promotes the skills'exchange, the expertise sharing and all its members' dynamics. Its works' result is transformed into medias or educational supports which are then made available to all and widely spread.
In concrete terms, the association supports the dissemination of its supports and commits to the ground to bring the results of its works the closest to those who need it (free publications, conferences, awareness sessions).
By its organization, its territorial network and the implication of its members, WOCSA opts for proximity and knowledge sharing in cybersecurity.

Plan to participate in CTF events

CrewCTF 2024May 24, 2024, 5 p.m.
L3akCTF 2024May 24, 2024, noon

Participated in CTF events

Overall rating place: 961 with 21.465 pts in 2024

Country place: 37

PlaceEventCTF pointsRating points
45Midnight Flag - Operation BACKSLASH3670.000012.788
17THCon 2k24 CTF2270.00008.676

Team members