
# CTFZone 2018 -- Help Mars!
> **Category**: PPC, OSINT

> **Description**:

> Hello!

> The Martians need your help. They are in contact with the H5N1 virus.
> We know that there is a universal vaccine (locus HW306977) on our planet.
> Find the substances on their planet that can be used to synthesize the vaccine.
> A large sample database is at your disposal.

> [mars_dna_samples.zip](./mars_dna_samples.zip).

> Your task is to select the right combination of samples (recipe). Result is
> the shortest (lowest count of samples used to synthesize the vaccine). If you
> find more than one shortest recipe - select the one, which has the longest code
> in each sample from start to end.

> Example:

> Code: 123456

> Samples (id,code):

> 1,4

> 2,6

> 3,12

> 4,34

> 5,56

> 6,45

> 7,123

> Available combinations

> 12-34-56

> 123-45-6

> 123-4-56

> Solving: 123 + 45 + 6

> Result: 7,6,2

> Flag is ctfzone{md5(Result)}

# Writeup

## Googling
To get the flag you first need to find genom sequence of H5N1 virus. Unfortunately,
there are lots of variants of this virus, and HW306977 hasn't been indexed by google.

So it took some time to find data archive of biology things, and here we found
a [record about HW306977](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/nuccore/HW306977).

## Algorithm
### Method
The task is typical for [dynamic programming](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dynamic_programming).

We have a target sequence and hashmap sample_seq -> sample_ind, lets write a recursive function
that returns the smallest sequence of samples (only theirs ids) for some suffix of the
sequence: `f(suffix)`.

### Cache
The most important thing in dynamic programming is caching result of `f(..)`. If you can cache them,
your algorithm will be fast enoughh, if you don't it's polynomial asymptotic.

### Base case
If the suffix is empty, then the answer is obvious: `[]`.

### Body of recursion
After base case was checked, check that this prefix wasn't computed yet.
If it was, return the cached answer. If it wasn't, do this:

def f(suffix):
# ... check for the base case
# ... look for a computed value in cache
best = None
for i in xrange(1, min(max_sample_len, len(suffix))+1):
if suffix[:i] not in sample_to_ind: continue
current = f(suffix[i:])
if (best is None and current is not None) or (best is not None and current is not None and len(best) > len(current)):
best = current
# ... caching
return best

## Solver
[Here](./solve.py) you can take a look at my solver.

Original writeup (https://github.com/sibears/writeups/tree/master/CTFZone%202018/HelpMars).