
# TAMUctf 2019 - Crypto - -.-

## Chall
To 1337-H4X0R:

Our coworker Bob loves a good classical cipher. Unfortunately, he also loves to send everything encrypted with these ciphers. Can you go ahead and decrypt this for me?

File: https://paste2.org/cXGytOYV

## Solve

This was a pretty simple challenge, searching about the "dah-dit-di's" we can find out that this is a morse code, it is possible to solve with a text editor just replacing the text with slashes or dots, but i made a script in python to do this, you can find in my github:

(Well, i just haven't figured out a good name for the repo, lmao)

My script will return translated and then we'll have a hex:


In any random hex converter:

Wp*lXtGQ8e8qnmMYU*svFHkjIt*RQ&JpZvjm!%%KDkfp#^N9fk4dU4lB3rToT0PZQmCQEKYB4ZMv*!Fk8l%bjqlPMfIGma%%FzG gigem{C1icK_cl1CK-y0u_h4v3_m4I1} uv4vzKZt4yomiDShLm8QEFnUtwJ@NuOYfX&8u@Gn!1%Tqv0VcRzV!j!vuup8BjdNIqE5w#$%V4UZOYZ2z7T25t7&xL@WO7410QI

There is: gigem{C1icK_cl1CK-y0u_h4v3_m4I1}

Original writeup (https://github.com/fernandormoraes/write-ups/blob/master/dahditmorse-tamu.md).