Tags: pin 


## Hackover CTF: i-like-to-move-it

## Challenge details
| Contest | Challenge | Category | Points |
| Hackover CTF | i-like-to-move-it | Reversing | 350 |


>I like to move it, move it
>I like to move it, move it
>I like to move it, move it
>You like to move it

## Write-up

It's a mov-uscated binary:

Pintool go!

>import string
>from subprocess import Popen, PIPE, STDOUT
>pinpath = './pin'
>countpath = './source/tools/ManualExamples/obj-ia32/inscount0.so'
>apppath = './move_it'
>key = ''
>while True:
> maximum = 0,0
> for i in string.letters + string.digits + " _-!+":
> inputtry = key + i
> cmd = [pinpath, '-injection', 'child', '-t', countpath , '--' , apppath ]
> p = Popen(cmd, stdout=PIPE, stdin=PIPE, stderr=STDOUT)
> stdout = p.communicate(inputtry+'\n' )
> with open('inscount.out') as f:
> f.seek(6)
> nb_instructions = int(f.read())
> f.close()
> if nb_instructions > maximum[0]:
> maximum = nb_instructions, i
> key += maximum[1]
> print key


>~/pin$ ./pin.py

After a bit of fidgeting I found that the program expects a "_" to delimit words, but it does not increase the count. Therefor pintool won't find these characters. Add them manually after each word end to continue until:

>$ ./pin.py

Feeding the program this string changes the output of the program:

>~/pin$ ./move_it
>Never Gonna Give You Up

After some franatic keyboard mashing:

>~/pin$ ./move_it a

The flag is:


Original writeup (https://github.com/dqi/ctf_writeup/tree/master/2015/hackover/reversing/%20i-like-to-move-it).