
# Internetwache 2016 : A numbers game (50)

**Category:** code |
**Points:** 50 |
**Name:** A numbers game |
**Solves:** 407 |

> People either love or hate math. Do you love it? Prove it! You just need to solve a bunch of equations without a mistake.
> Service:


## Write-up

### Part Zero
We were given a service which we connect using python sockets.

import socket
s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
data = s.recv(2048)
print data

And we get the first part
Hi, I heard that you're good in math. Prove it!
Level 1.: x - 2 = 6

### Part One
The quesion is split by spaces, so it seemed easiest to use .split on the string to convert it to an array.
data = s.recv(512)
question = data.split(' ')
print question

### Part Two

Using a if else for each of + - / *, solving the math equation is easy.
if question[3] == "-":
s.send(str(int(question[4]) + int(question[6])) + "\n")
elif question[3] == "+":
s.send(str(int(question[6]) - int(question[4])) + "\n")
elif question[3] == "*":
s.send(str(int(question[6]) / int(question[4])) + "\n")
elif question[3] == "/":
s.send(str(int(question[6]) * int(question[4])) + "\n")

We get the flag after 100 solves we get the flag:

[See full script here](src/code50.py)

Original writeup (https://github.com/WesternCyber/CTF-WriteUp/blob/master/2016/Internetwache/Code/Code50.md).