Tags: sqli web 

Rating: 5.0

# Sea of Quills

## Description

Come check out our finest selection of quills!


Author: JoshDaBosh

## Analysis

Here is the interesting part that handles the POST requests in `app.rb`:

post '/quills' do
db = SQLite3::Database.new "quills.db"
cols = params[:cols]
lim = params[:limit]
off = params[:offset]

blacklist = ["-", "/", ";", "'", "\""]

blacklist.each { |word|
if cols.include? word
return "beep boop sqli detected!"

if !/^[0-9]+$/.match?(lim) || !/^[0-9]+$/.match?(off)
return "bad, no quills for you!"

@row = db.execute("select %s from quills limit %s offset %s" % [cols, lim, off])

p @row

erb :specific

Go to the main page, click "Explore", and then do a simple search:


Intercept the POST request in Burp:


We control `limit` and `offset` from the search page, but enter any non-numeric characters and you'll get a bad response.

if !/^[0-9]+$/.match?(lim) || !/^[0-9]+$/.match?(off)
return "bad, no quills for you!"

But `cols` is fair game as long as we don't use any of these characters:

blacklist = ["-", "/", ";", "'", "\""]

Can we do a `union`?


That works. Now we need to see what other tables might be there, which we can do with `sql from sqlite_master`.


And there's our flag table!

## Solution

All that's left to do is use the union to get `flag from flagtable`:


The flag is:


Original writeup (https://github.com/dobsonj/ctf/tree/master/writeups/2021/angstromctf/sea_of_quills).