Tags: web 


# HeroCTF v3

## 0xSSRF

![challenge info](0xSSRF.png)

Going into this challenge we had the following page:


So from what we have is a proxy website allows us to fecth data from another website from it.
We also see that there is as link called "Get Flag" which unfortunatly returns:


So from what we can see we can only access the "Get Flag" from the localhost which is a problem.
We try to put the link via the proxy service which returns:


After some attemps to check different ways of using localhost ip we get to http://0:3000/flag which gives us the flag Hero{cl4ssic_SSRF_byP4pass_251094}


Original writeup (https://github.com/NTP-Noob-To-Pro/NTP-CTF-writeups/tree/main/2021/HeroCTFv3/0xSSRF).