
`Pax Vallejo` is on Hotel? ok!

This last chall made me crazy... Why? The only thing location-related that we found about `Pax Vallejo` was the comment on `Oregon State University`, so after lot of hours searching about Hotels on Oregon State, Corvallis city and brute-forcing hundred of Hotels on this location on format flag, we concluded: this F****** script kiddie isn't there!
Ok, let's back to OSINT thing...

I have to say that after search on each social media, `Twitter`, unfortunatelly, was the last thing that appear on my head, why? My brain: "This is the last chall, `Twitter` is too obvious". Hahahahaha


Yeah, finally!

There is 5 pictures on this account(a museum, a river, a trains station, and 2 images about the current location showing trains and rails), for not image-spamming I'll just post the link here and you can check: https://twitter.com/cheesep27684825 .

After checking that there is no trains around Oregon State University hahahaha... my girlfriend found that the images was taken in London because this tower below:


Now starts the real FBI job... (This isn't funny cuz I never ever got on a train)


On first image we can see `Circle line` on train, I researched about the London train map for this line... nothing else lot of results and hours.


Lot of numbers em data that I don't even know how to look.

OK, after some hours, on the first image that show the `Pax Vallejo` Point of view, we can see this tower followed by a building-with-circular-thing on top.


Definitively, a church. So, let's search some high chuchrs in London...


No joke, searching `London Church` on Google Images we can see this image above. Seems similar.

This church is called `St Mary Abbots Parish`. So with We want to see that better, let's use [Google Earth](https://www.google.com.br/intl/pt-BR/earth/) to check this church followed by a building-with-circular-thing.


Yeah, finally we got that! (Google Earth is insane).

Following the image to the `Pax Vallejo` building...



The name is `Copthorne Tara Hotel London Kensington`.
So the flag is: `dam{copthorne_tara_hotel_london_kensington}`

Original writeup (https://kalinathalie.github.io/misc-challs-Imp3rs0nat0r-1-2-3-damctf2021/).