
# Challenge 00 : Oh sh. Here we go again ? - Blockchain

## Challenge

We are only provided with an address and a RPC URL.

## Solution

I started by reading out the bytecode for the address, for which i just wrote a small web3 script:

const Web3 = require('web3');
const rpcUrl = ''; // Replace with your custom RPC URL
const web3 = new Web3(rpcUrl);

const contractAddress = '0x3038ae6af5726f685B551266d8cCd704e7e0c3CA'; // Replace with the address of the contract you want to retrieve bytecode for

web3.eth.getCode(contractAddress, (error, bytecode) => {
if (error) {
console.error('Error retrieving contract bytecode:', error);
} else {
console.log('Contract bytecode:', bytecode);

this got me the following bytecode:


I then used an online decompiler(library.dedaub.com) to decompile the bytecode to this:

// Decompiled by library.dedaub.com
// 2023.05.12 19:25 UTC
// Compiled using the solidity compiler version 0.8.17

// Data structures and variables inferred from the use of storage instructions
uint256 _win; // STORAGE[0x0] bytes 0 to 0
uint256 stor_0_1_1; // STORAGE[0x0] bytes 1 to 1

function () public payable {

function 0x3c5269d8() public payable {
_win = 1;

function 0x459a2790() public payable {
return stor_0_1_1;

function win() public payable {
v0 = v1 = _win;
if (v1) {
v0 = stor_0_1_1;
return bool(v0);

function 0x75ec067a() public payable {
if (_win) {
stor_0_1_1 = 1;

function 0xe9a37061() public payable {
return _win;

There seemed to be a win() function and 2 functions that overwrite state variables (0x3c5269d8, 0x75ec067a). THe second one seemed to only change if _win was already set in the first one, so I just called them in this order.

1. 0x3c5269d8
2. 0x75ec067a

Now the win() function returns true and the challenge is solved. -> Hero{M3l_weLComes_U_B4cK!:)}

## Bonus

After the CTF the original source code was also released:

// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity ^0.8.0;

contract hero2300 {
bool public firstFlag;
bool public secondFlag;

constructor() {
firstFlag = false;
secondFlag = false;

function meFirst() public {
firstFlag = true;

function meSecond() public {
if (firstFlag) {
secondFlag = true;

function win() public view returns (bool) {
return (firstFlag && secondFlag);


Original writeup (https://github.com/J4X-98/Writeups/blob/main/CTFs/HeroCTF/Chal0/writeup.md).