Tags: web 


# Extract Service 1
> We have released a summary service for document files! Please feel free to use the sample document file in the "sample" folder of the distribution file for trial purposes.

> The secret information is written in the /flag file on the server, but it should be safe, right...? Let's see what kind of HTTP request is sent!

## About the Challenge
We have been given a website and a source code (You can download the file [here](web-extract1.zip)). This website can read the docx, xlsx, and pptx files that we have uploaded


## How to Solve?
If you check the source code especially on `main.go` file, there is a function called `ExtractContent` where this function can read any file by using `os.ReadFile` function

func ExtractContent(baseDir, extractTarget string) (string, error) {
raw, err := os.ReadFile(filepath.Join(baseDir, extractTarget))
if err != nil {
return "", err

removeXmlTag := regexp.MustCompile("<.*?>")
resultXmlTagRemoved := removeXmlTag.ReplaceAllString(string(raw), "")
removeNewLine := regexp.MustCompile(`\r?\n`)
resultNewLineRemoved := removeNewLine.ReplaceAllString(resultXmlTagRemoved, "")
return resultNewLineRemoved, nil

And because of there is no filter in the `extractTarget` variable (You can check this in line 38 - 44)

extractTarget := c.PostForm("target")
if extractTarget == "" {
c.HTML(http.StatusOK, "index.html", gin.H{
"result": "Error : target is required",

This website is vulnerable to directory traversal attack. To obtain the flag we need to change the value of the `target` parameter to `../../../../../../flag`



Original writeup (https://github.com/daffainfo/ctf-writeup/blob/main/WaniCTF%202023/Extract%20Service%201).