Tags: misc jail zsh 


may your code be under par. execute the getflag binary somewhere in the filesystem to win

`nc mc.ax 31774`



We're given a "zsh" jail file:

print -n -P "%F{green}Specify your charset: %f"
read -r charset
# get uniq characters in charset
banned=('*' '?' '`')

if [[ ${#charset} -gt 6 || ${#charset:|banned} -ne ${#charset} ]]; then
print -P "\n%F{red}That's too easy. Sorry.%f\n"
exit 1
print -P "\n%F{green}OK! Got $charset.%f"

# start jail via coproc
coproc zsh -s
exec 3>&p 4<&p

# read chars from fd 4 (jail stdout), print to stdout
while IFS= read -u4 -r -k1 char; do
print -u1 -n -- "$char"
done &
# read chars from stdin, send to jail stdin if valid
while IFS= read -u0 -r -k1 char; do
if [[ ! ${#char:|charset} -eq 0 ]]; then
print -P "\n%F{red}Nope.%f\n"
exit 1
# send to fd 3 (jail stdin)
print -u3 -n -- "$char"


Looking up zsh, I found out it was essentially just a Unix shell that's typically used in Macs. It didn't seem to actually impact the problem -- i.e. most Linux commands work just the same.

Taking a look through the source code, the only constraints seemed to be 1. only 6 characters were allowed for use during each session and 2. the characters of "*", "?", and "\`" were blacklisted. THe blacklisted characters are two wildcards (\* and ?) and a backtick character, which allows for certain command executions.

Immediately, I figured wildcards might be important for this challenge. I looked up wildcards for Linux, and found [this site](https://tldp.org/LDP/GNU-Linux-Tools-Summary/html/x11655.htm) documenting all of them. Importantly, doing something like `[!x]` seemed to be potentially very useful, as it act basically like a `?`.

After doing this, I ran `ls -al` on the service. This showed the following:

total 16
drwxr-xr-x 1 nobody nogroup 4096 Feb 2 21:56 .
drwxr-xr-x 1 nobody nogroup 4096 Feb 2 13:31 ..
-rwxr-xr-x 1 nobody nogroup 795 Feb 2 21:55 run
drwxr-xr-x 1 nobody nogroup 4096 Feb 2 13:31 y0u

Testing run with `./run` shows that it's just the binary version of the jail source file. We also have a directory named `y0u`. Let's list that out with `ls y0u`.


At this point, I figured it was going to be several nested directories spelling out some message starting with `y0u/w1ll`. Unfortunately, I wasn't sure how to list the next directories. In fact, I spent the next hour trying to figure out how to call `ls` on the next file using only 6 characters (I could only get it to work with 7) or test all possible directory name lengths with `[!.]` acting as a wildcard.

Eventually, I realized that `ls` probably had a recursive function... wasted an hour of my life because of this T^T

Sending `ls -R` to the service, I got:






So that's our path! `./y0u/w1ll/n3v3r_g3t/th1s/getflag`, Because of our useful wild card `[!.]`, we can specify our charset as `./[!]` and send `./[!.][!.][!.]/[!.][!.][!.][!.]/[!.][!.][!.][!.][!.][!.][!.][!.][!.]/[!.][!.][!.][!.]/[!.][!.][!.][!.][!.][!.][!.]` to execute the getflag binary.


TL;DR: Not knowing ls had a recursive option cost me an hour of my life.

Original writeup (https://nightxade.github.io/ctf-writeups/writeups/2024/Dice-CTF-Quals-2024/misc/zshfuck.html).