Sat, 08 Feb. 2025, 09:30 UTC — Sun, 09 Feb. 2025, 05:30 UTC 


India, Hyderabad

TheDeccanCTF event.

Format: Jeopardy Jeopardy

Official URL:

Future weight: 0.00 

Rating weight: 0.00 

Event organizers 

Difficulty: easy-medium (but with a good amount of hard questions as well)

Schedule (IST)
1-3pm: Talks and Demonstrations
3pm-10:30am (Overnight): CTF Competition

This is an onsite CTF in the heart of Hyderabad’s tech centre Gachibowli!

Venue: IIIT-H, Gachibowli, Hyderabad

Further details, rules and registration form provided in the CTF Page.

This is onsite ONLY and remote participation will not be possible.


Open Category:

1st Team: 4.5k Rs Card
2nd Team: 3k Rs Card
Top 37 Teams: One .xyz domain!

Beginner Category (Teams with each member currently studying in Undergraduate year 1 or lesser) [Must be able to produce proof]:

1st Team: 1.5k Rs Card
Top 13 Teams: One .xyz domain!

There will be 3 explicitly marked challenges. For each such marked challenge, the first team to solve the challenge will get a 200 Rs Card. (First blood rewards)

Note that prizes are partially/fully in the form of Amazon India vouchers/gift cards.

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