Voting ended at: Nov. 17, 2018, 7 p.m.
Weight after voting: 75.21 / 100.0
Voting was available from the event start and a week after the finish.
11 Jackyxty Awesome game as DEF CON CTF pre-qualifier
11 Azure Awesome
100 Solembumm Awesome event
90 siccegge Amazingly stable, Nice spread of services
60 paulch Super simple vulns are killing me. The only binary service was broken. Why do you even have to take the risk making such service????????
30 Pharisaeus Checker broke for us, costing lots of points. Also extremely imbalanced - scoring the first exploit literally wins you the whole game
97 manf Some problems with checkers, but had a lot of fun
100 liqpap
100 maoam Need more DoS
100 tono Great Fun, as always.
100 AetherEternity Awesome A/D
90 MrPrototype n1c3 s3rv1c3s. 1337 3v3nt
100 jnovikov Best online AD CTF
95 alb1or1x thrilling battle
100 bitwave awesome CTF. Thank you very much
95 jonasbb Some problems in checkers and DoS in services, otherwise stable. Well organized CTF.
90 pomo_mondreganto a bit unstable system
80 liqpap
100 0xZAQ Fun and awesome
100 Ror_schach Cool ctf
100 yor Fun and action-packed
95 kcotsneb Some hiccups with checkers, bit of weird services, still my favorite CTF
15 pixelindigo unstable checkers, boring services
15 n0n3m4 Gets more unrealistic with each contest. Organization team seems to consider this a feature, so the only thing we can do is voting here.
100 cluosh Fun, as always
100 vient zajebisty ctf