Voting ended at: Nov. 17, 2019, 4:37 p.m.

Weight after voting: 63.56 / 64.500

Voting was available from the event start and a week after the finish.


64 0x45 I learned a lot with the web challenges

64 madfrr maravilhoso

64 3s0j Mt bom

64 unblvr Very fair and interesting, but hard challenges. Not a fan of the submission platform, but this is getting better next year.

64 s0rc3r3r Great crypto challenges

64 lupio original/great/hard/interesting challenges, stable and fun

60 sechopgoblin Good CTF, however it would be nice with more Baby challanges in the web and quantum field.

64 kledavid cool and good

64 abdel By far the best of this season

64 gallileo I really liked the Windows Heap challenges!

64 terjanq Luan needs to make a web challenge that is easy enough to be solved by at least one team :(

64 disconnect3d The challenges were pretty good

64 mvs Great CTF, with tons of difficulty and cool challenges. Keep this spirit and this ctf will certainly became a grand slam in the future.

64 mvs Great CTF, with tons of difficulty and cool challenges. Keeping this spiring this ctf will certainly became a grand slam in the future. The