Voting ended at: June 7, 2020, 4:37 p.m.

Weight after voting: 83.41 / 95.340

Voting was available from the event start and a week after the finish.


80 altareen Nice CTF.

95 BOTDrake Very high level CTF

92 BOTDrake Very high level CTF.

95 lupio Good infra and challenges even i couldn't solve them

95 cruz13 misc and ppc were fun

65 R3x Good set of Challenges. Github Oauth is unfortunate, BBC golfing had some issues

95 cxzaqwed amazing challs

95 pimps The CTF had lots of nice challenges. Keep the good job up guys! looking forward for the next one o/

95 S3v3ru5 .

60 korniltsev good

95 abcdsh Great web challenges

95 Es7evam Nice ctf, getting harder every year

80 ptr-yudai good infra but github style is just annoying. some tasks are too guessing (especially misc/ppc). pwn/web are really nice.

95 luliz Very high quality and unique challenges!

95 rogeriobastos awesome

95 fm3ssias Great event as always! Awesome lore and very challenging challs.

95 EffectRenan Really nice CTF!

95 moraes Github login is annoying

95 olivato Github login is annoying

95 abdel liked the variety of challenges

75 VoidMercy Good variety of interesting pwn, rev was interesting but some challs seemed low effort.

95 Foucan Great CTF

90 asimos-bot really well made

33 hellman Github login is annoying. Cryptos were either standard (not bad but not a plus), or stupid (qkey).

95 AnisBoss very good and challenging tasks !

95 astroboy Really nice event with a impressive organization!

95 l0rd_p1rate Cool CTF, very hard and wise, the way ctfs should be

60 nsr Good challs but forcing OAUTH+Github write access is too much, no matter how cool your NIZK is, especially as the website stored flag hashes

95 locutor .

95 haqpl massive

70 nazywam RE was pretty fun :duck_emoji:

70 nazywam RE was pretty fun ?

65 borysp Solid.

1 meithecatte Codegolf a QR code into a BBC Micro. Done? Congrats. Not a valid QR. We won't tell you what's wrong. Have fun guessing.

95 adrianoribeiro Very, very, very, very niiiice!!!!

95 sampriti Awesome challenges!

95 D4nPs Great job! Cool ctf :-)

95 9b07c09897f13ed77a1cef50a5ad3f expected quality

95 terjanq nice

95 keltecc good and interesting challenges!