CTF Russian Cup 201830 Nov., 06:00 UTC — 02 Dec. 2018, 19:00 UTCJeopardy Skolkovo, Russia 0Academic teams onlymissing the scoreboard
M*CTF 2018 Final11 Nov., 09:00 UTC — 11 Nov. 2018, 16:00 UTCAttack-Defense Moscow, Aviamotornaya 8 st., Congress centre of MTUCI 0Academic teams only
Secura Grand Slam CTF14 June, 09:00 UTC — 14 June 2018, 16:30 UTCJeopardy Netherlands, Nieuwegein, NIBC 0Academic teams onlymissing the scoreboard
TyumenCTF 2018: NEON01 April, 06:00 UTC — 01 April 2018, 14:00 UTCJeopardy On-line 0Academic teams only
EasyCTF IV10 Feb., 01:00 UTC — 20 Feb. 2018, 04:00 UTCJeopardy On-line 0Academic teams only