
# Evil Corp's Child 3

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What is the localityName in the Certificate Issuer data for HTTPS traffic to

Use the file from Evil Corp's Child.


Well... given the task statement, we know we're looking for `TLS` traffic _(`TLS - Transport Layer Security` is used to encrypt HTTP traffic resulting in HTTPS - HTTP Secure)_ with a source IP address of `` - since the certificate is usually sent from the server to the client and not the other way around ^^.

Given this info, we can simply construct yet another Wireshark query:

![Wireshark - Overview](./wireshark-overview.png)

... and ... we have a match! The first data packet already seems to contain a certificate! Now... simply inspect it... and find the locality:

![Wireshark - Certificate](./wireshark-certificate.png)

... you have to open quite many submenus until you arrive at the locality... but ... eventually you should find it and get the flag: `flag{Mogadishu}`

Original writeup (https://github.com/B34nB01z/writeups/blob/master/2020/Hacktober/Evil%20Corp's%20Child%203/README.md).