Tags: web 


## Sunshine CTF - Easy 1
### Problem

Doom is upon us. We are surrounded by enemies on all sides. There is only one hope. Use your hacking skills to find it.


### Solution

The link leads to a simple webpage containing the plain text __'There is Only One Hope.'__

Using Firefox's web inspector tool to view the response headers gives us the flag.

FLAG: __sun{k4rEfUL_D0nT_H1T_y0uR_HE4dEr}__

#### Note

This challenge is similar to [ASIS CTF Finals 2016 - CTF 101](https://www.gospelofmark.ch/asis-ctf-finals-2016-ctf-101.html)

Original writeup (https://gospelofmark.ch/sunshine-ctf-easy-1.html).