Rating: 5.0

# Obfuscated Password Checker – *Write-up by @terjanq*

> Description
> ---
> Get the password!
> - [src.zip](#)

There are two files inside `src.zip` archive: [bundle.js] and [index.html]. We are asked to put the password inside the input, and the page will tell us whether is correct password or not.The checking is done by an obfuscated *javascript* script ([bundle.js]).

I just triggered the debugger in developer tools, and watched over subsequent calls untill I spotted the `_0x256968: "HarekazeCTF{j4v4scr1pt-0bfusc4t0r_1s_tsur41}"` in the Scope.


Flag: **HarekazeCTF{j4v4scr1pt-0bfusc4t0r_1s_tsur41}**

[answer.png]: <./answer.png>

Original writeup (https://github.com/terjanq/Flag-Capture/tree/master/Harekaze2018/Obfuscated%20Password%20Checker#obfuscated-password-checker--write-up-by-terjanq).