Offical URL:

# Description

UofT is hosting its second capture the flag competition on January 13 5:00PM UTC to January 15 4:00AM UTC. There will be an in-person event on January 13, with free food and two cybersecurity professionals giving talks. The competition is jeopardy format and will be held online, with categories such as Web, Pwn, Rev, Crypto, Misc. Challenge difficulty will range from beginner to intermediate.

Organized by:

- UofT Department of Computer Science
- UofT Information Security and Enterprise Architecture

# Prizes

In order to be eligible for prizes, Participants must also be a registered student at an accredited post-secondary institution in the United States of America or Canada.

First Place: $250
Second Place: $150
Third Place: $100

# URLs:


CTF events

UofTCTF 202423.88
Related tags: php stuff java networking web security investigation crime securtity network python nothing programming enumeration binaryexploitation reverse_engineering crypto html phishing css mitm javascript kali linux steganography reversing c++ none analyzing mobile app forensics exploitation pwnable pwn python3 attack git osint intel blob 1597 birdthief inceptionctf parcel stego dream forensic forensic+crypto macro ecc smarts-attack rsa xor microsoft-office iot reverseimagesearch jail blacklist pyjail misc google-api buffer-overflow ret2win engineering reverse rce google-cloud path-traversal reconstruction bytecode rev scripting newline regex command_injection file_upload music vm windows virtualbox deobfuscation powershell miscellaneous docm vba pdf burrowswheeler airport gcloud buckets cloud cryptography command-injection word bypass c2traffic trevorc2 digital-forensics unredacter gimp node.js jailjavascript babel js easy copy paste basic