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CTF organized by K3RN3L4RMY CTF Team.

There will be a section of beginner and intermediate challenges aimed to teach beginner CTF players as well as more difficult challenges aimed at more experienced CTF players.


CTF events

Related tags: forensics crypto web python linux misc base64 ruby coding java networking wireshark reverse_engineering logs osint volatility rootkit dns injection command rsa dna ceasar vigenere pcap tshark re pwn findmypass reverseengineering reverse aes audacity sha256 assembly xor sympy tcache heap-overflow asm pwntools rev fsb known-plaintext reversing vm rop kernel algorithms brute-force polynomial linearization affine algebraic-attack domain-injection fuzzing dsa hill-cipher linear-algebra nonce-reuse aes-ctr leak coppersmith timestamps franklin-reiter number-theory clock-group dlp blinding paillier game-of-life oracle hamming-distance chaos logistic-map maze minesweeper