Offical URL:

NACTF is a Capture The Flag (CTF) cybersecurity competition for middle and high school students, hosted by Newark Academy's Computer Science Club. Students can form teams with up to 5 members and participate online for free. Teams compete to decrypt, hack, or reverse engineer challenges in topics like cryptography, forensics, and binary exploitation. Participants submit "flags", or hidden strings of text, to score points.

Register an account here: - do not use Major League Cyber logins or "Official teams"

NACTF will run from Saturday, December 4th 6pm EST to Monday, December 6th 11pm EST. There will be $1000 in prizes!

Discord link here:

Sponsored by Trail of Bits

CTF events

Newark Academy CTF23.92
Related tags: c javascript web python c html java websec exploitation reversing pwn stegano crypto forensics xss xxe binwalk pwnable binary-exploitation tcache-dup utctf bof n0named korea cryptography crytography forensic single-byte xor reverse-engineering rev binaryexploitation