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Description: A 48 hours ctf by n00bz for n00bz, organized with beginner friendly challenges (and some hard ones), n00bzCTF is dedicated to make cyber security more friendly and approachable for complete n00bz.

There will also be prizes for team(s) of lower scores if we get sufficient funding from our sponsors ;)

Team limit: 4 members

CTF events

n00bzCTF 202424.23
n00bzCTF 202315.12
n00bzCTF 202215.12
Related tags: #web hacking sleeping forensics #reversing nothing engineering algorithms python c++ java datamining forensic programming security reconnaissance cybersecurity networking mysql linux authentification writing penetration pwn reversing beer music web network php php7 python3 the re windbg ida git misc pcap wireshark crypto rsa algebra ecc webshell cryptography-rsa stream-cipher sqli xxe pickle lfi prototype-pollution quine xml binary-exploitaion ssh backdoor side-channel sql esolang rockstar requests beautifulsoup punchcard osint realworld rev sanity steganography ssti rce srop revesing blockchain pyjail blacklist pdfcrack binary qr-code lsb sstv strings robots.txt headers buffer-overflow ret2win aes modulus scripting hastad science fcrackzip password-cracking tesseract opencv csv ftp wav-steg lsb-stego bufferoverflow shell ret2libc format-string pwntools gef rop libc-database leak prog cryptography chinese-remainder z3 angr