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GEEKCON are thrilled to host the first annual AVSS (Adversarial Vulnerability Scoring System) Contest.

Unlike traditional CTF events, the AVSS Contest can be viewed as a "collision test field" for information systems based on the real adversarial network environment.

The first session of the AVSS Contest is focused on the Android system. It consists of two stages: online preliminaries and offline finals. Contestants will compete in a Jeopardy-style format using the competition platform provided by the organizers. The online preliminaries will be conducted using the Android emulator environment, while the offline finals will involve the use of actual Android devices.

The organizers have intentionally embedded identical or similar vulnerabilities in different versions of the Android system and will provide the vulnerability information to the contestants. Contestants will need to exploit the pre-embedded vulnerabilities to obtain flags.

The online preliminaries are scheduled to take place on August 26, 2023, at 10:00 AM (UTC+8) and end at August 28, 2023, at 10:00 AM, which will last for 48 hours.

The AVSS Contest provides challenges for cybersecurity enthusiasts of all levels. Beginners can get their feet wet with our introductory events, while experts can test their skills against our advanced scenarios. Our range of difficulty ensures an engaging experience for participants at any point in their cybersecurity journey.

This contest is the perfect opportunity to develop new skills, pursue your cybersecurity passions, and connect with others in the community. Mark your calendars and get ready for an immersive cybersecurity challenge like no other. Whether you're new to CTFs or a seasoned pro, the AVSS contest has something exciting in store for you.

… (more to come)


1st Place: 50,000 RMB cash prize, award certificate, and inducted into the "Hall of Fame";

2nd Place: 30,000 RMB cash prize and award certificate;

3rd Place: 15,000 RMB cash prize and award certificate;

Honorable Mention: 7,500 RMB cash prize and award certificate

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CTF events

AVSS Contest Final 20240.00
AVSS Contest 202425.00
AVSS (Adversarial Vulnerability Scoring System) Contest 0.00