Voting ended at: Oct. 3, 2020, 3:30 p.m.

Weight after voting: 23.62 / 25.0

Voting was available from the event start and a week after the finish.


25 page2me ok

25 page2me ok

25 wongyos good

25 strlght great CTF and nice variety of challenges

20 joey Most of the challenges were beginner friendly but still interesting. Quite a few challenges required guessing

25 maniex nice ctf

25 g4mma4 Very nice 24hr ctf

23 parrot Good infrastructures. I only played web tasks and expect them to be better next year. but it was enjoyable ctf.

20 zavinator Some good challs, but sometimes guessing needed.

25 min : D

25 sqrtrev Nice Idea challenges

25 _HK Good pwn challenge.