Voting ended at: Nov. 22, 2020, 1 a.m.

Weight after voting: 25.00 / 25.0

Voting was available from the event start and a week after the finish.


25 0x00Jeff Loved the concept, great CTF

25 InersIn

25 kataryniarz I absolutely loved the rapid compilation-diassembly feedback cycle.

25 x0r19x91 Nice concept. It's great

25 dotsu Fun CTF, enjoyed a lot

25 nnewram Fun CTF, Creative concept. Nice UI

25 meithecatte Had lots of fun and the right kind of frustration. Hoping for another edition next year :P

25 speles New? and definitely awesome format. Would be really happy to participate in something like this again!

25 kataryniarz I absolutely loved the rapid compilation - diassembly feedback cycle.

25 RageKnify Awesome format! We had tons of fun.

25 R3x Well Organized! Had fun

25 afonsotfaria21 Cool Format. Fresh and Fun!