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Sh4d0wL3gi0n - Unveiling the Shadows of Cyber Dominance

Welcome to Sh4d0wL3gi0n, a formidable legion of cybersecurity warriors united by the shadows. Born from the depths of the digital realm and propelled by a legacy born in shadows, our legionaries are forged in the clandestine arts of cyber warfare, navigating the intricate web of ones and zeroes with unparalleled mastery.

Mission: Unseen Supremacy

Sh4d0wL3gi0n operates in the shadows, weaving through the digital landscape with finesse and stealth. Our mission is clear – to unveil the vulnerabilities, exploit the weaknesses, and stand as guardians against the threats that lurk in the darkness of cyberspace.

Values: Stealth, Unity, Mastery

Steeped in the values of stealth, unity, and mastery, Sh4d0wL3gi0n is more than a team; it's a brotherhood of shadowborn warriors. Each legionary brings a unique set of skills, contributing to the collective mastery that defines our silent but powerful presence.

Approach: Strategic Silence

In the realm of cybersecurity, silence is a strategic virtue. Sh4d0wL3gi0n believes in the power of unseen maneuvers, where every keystroke echoes like a whisper in the night. Our approach is calculated, precise, and designed to leave adversaries in the perpetual embrace of uncertainty.

Motto: In The Shadows We Trust

"In The Shadows We Trust" is not just a motto; it's a creed that embodies the essence of Sh4d0wL3gi0n. Trust in the unseen, trust in the unity of the legion, and trust in the mastery that emerges from the shadows.

Join the Legion: Rise with the Shadows

Sh4d0wL3gi0n invites those who dare to venture into the realm of cybersecurity mastery. Whether you're a code-breaker, cryptographer, or a stealthy infiltrator, our legion welcomes those who seek to rise with the shadows.

Unveil the secrets, master the shadows, and join Sh4d0wL3gi0n on the journey to cyber dominance, we are the unseen force that lurks in the shadows to shape the digital future.

Participated in CTF events

Overall rating place: 3141 with 8.632 pts in 2024

Country place: 158

PlaceEventCTF pointsRating points
1260NahamCon CTF 2024450.00000.939
322b01lers CTF 20241.00000.098
1019Cyber Apocalypse 2024: Hacker Royale5100.00006.110
743Real World CTF 6th32.00001.485

Team members