Tags: bash regex 


# JailBoss
You are provided with an SSH account to server `ssh -p 2222 [email protected]`, and 2 files.

## `taskFword.sh`
export FLAG="FwordCTF{REDACTED}"
echo "A useless script for a useless SysAdmin"

## `jail.sh`
figlet "BASH JAIL x Fword"
echo "Welcome! Kudos to Anis_Boss Senpai"
function a(){
export -f a
function calculSlash(){
echo $1|grep -o "/"|wc -l
function calculPoint(){
echo $1|grep -o "."|wc -l
function calculA(){
echo $1|grep -o "a"|wc -l

while true;do
read -p ">> " input ;
if echo -n "$input"| grep -v -E "^(\.|\/| |\?|a)*$" ;then
echo "No No not that easy "
pts=$(calculPoint $input)
slash=$(calculSlash $input)
nbA=$(calculA $input)
if [[ $pts -gt 2 || $slash -gt 1 || $nbA -gt 1 ]];then
echo "That's Too much"
eval "$input"

When you connect to remote server you are greeted with

_____ _
| ___|_ _____ _ __ __| |
| |_ \ \ /\ / / _ \| '__/ _` |
| _| \ V V / (_) | | | (_| |
|_| \_/\_/ \___/|_| \__,_|

[email protected]'s password:

DISCLAIMER: Please don't abuse the server or you will get banned !

Author: Kahla, Contact me for any problems; GL & HF

____ _ ____ _ _ _ _ ___ _
| __ ) / \ / ___|| | | | | | / \ |_ _| | __ __
| _ \ / _ \ \___ \| |_| | _ | |/ _ \ | || | \ \/ /
| |_) / ___ \ ___) | _ | | |_| / ___ \ | || |___ > <
|____/_/ \_\____/|_| |_| \___/_/ \_\___|_____| /_/\_\

_____ _
| ___|_ _____ _ __ __| |
| |_ \ \ /\ / / _ \| '__/ _` |
| _| \ V V / (_) | | | (_| |
|_| \_/\_/ \___/|_| \__,_|

Welcome! Kudos to Anis_Boss Senpai

And you can input commands.
We can assume that `jail.sh` is ran after connecting to server and that `taskFword.sh` is probably in the same directory.

## Method
1. Find a way to execute `taskFword.sh` to load flag to ENV
2. Call a() to execute /usr/bin/env (where already loaded flag resides)

## The script
We can see that the script asks for input.
read -p ">> " input ;

Then script checks if out input consists only of certain characters `.` `/` `:space:` `?` `a`
Those are only allowed characters.
if echo -n "$input"| grep -v -E "^(\.|\/| |\?|a)*$" ;then

Then we use defined functions
function calculSlash(){
echo $1|grep -o "/"|wc -l
function calculPoint(){
echo $1|grep -o "."|wc -l
function calculA(){
echo $1|grep -o "a"|wc -l

to find out number of appereances of characters `/` `.` `a`
Notice how the script is not checking counts of `:space:` or `?`
pts=$(calculPoint $input)
slash=$(calculSlash $input)
nbA=$(calculA $input)

Then we check number of appereances.
We can you maximum of 2x`.`, 1x`/` and 1x`a`
if [[ $pts -gt 2 || $slash -gt 1 || $nbA -gt 1 ]];then

If the condition is satisfied, script calls `eval` with our input.
This is a dangerous builtin command that shouldn't be used with user input.
We can potentionaly run "any" command we want with this
eval "$input"

## Exploit
How can we execute a command only with these characters `.` `/` `:space:` `?` `a`
We can't do `./taskFword.sh` because there are banned characters.
What we can do is use regex symbol `?` which is a substitute for a single character.
If you don't understand regex read about it. (You have probably used commands like `rm *`, `*` is a regex symbol meaning 'everything').

So we can try:
which can resolve to

Here is a catch.
When scripts evaluates function
function calculPoint(){
echo $1|grep -o "."|wc -l
with our input `./????????????` it checks for occurence of `.` which in regex means 'any character'. So the function 'returns' count `14` since we used 14 characters as our input, which stops us from evaluating our input since we are allowed to use 2 **dots** (`.`).
How can we solve this?

The solution is in
pts=$(calculPoint $input)
and respective
function calculPoint(){
echo $1|grep -o "."|wc -l

The function only evaluates the first argument `$1` from our input (which was our entire input string so far). But we can use `:space:` to divide our input into 2 words. First word can be `.` which evaluates to count `1` since we only used 1 character and second word can be our payload `./????????????`.

`. ./????????????`

This input successfuly satisfies all conditions. And bash interpreter evaluates first `.` as **dot command** (command that evaluates commands in the current execution context) and then executes the scripts that loads the FLAG into our ENVIROMENT.

## In action
>> . ./????????????
A useless script for a useless SysAdmin

Then we can simply invoke function a() to print our ENVIROMENT
>> a
BASH_FUNC_a%%=() { /usr/bin/env

## The Flag

Original writeup (https://github.com/s-3ntinel/writeups/blob/master/ctf/FwordCTF_2020/bash/JailBoss/README.md).