Tags: misc 


# not_a_terminator_writeup
You will not able to solve this, until you have your skin on. Arnie will confirm it.
Hint: if your flag looks good, but taskboard says "bad flag", try another encoding table. Flag is meaningful and l33t.`

The challenge gave us a picture with some strange characters to find to get the flag.

![Image of the challenge](https://tasks.kksctf.ru/tasks/27856a0f-6db1-41b5-95c9-82f914797798/pic.png)

One teammate pointed out that they were from the "Alien vs. Predator" alphabet where Arnold Schwarzenegger starred but the challenge already gave us a clue by mentioning "Arnie" and "not a terminator". There are a lot of versions online that weren't working and gave us the wrong string until we found this font https://fonts2u.com/predator.font and with lots of patience we got the the flag `kks{Y0uNgArni3IsCoOl}`

Original writeup (https://github.com/hackalcubo/CTF-Writeups/tree/main/kksctf2020/not_a_terminator).