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Entry-level CTF organized by students from Polytechnic University of Puerto Rico.

Our Sponsors:
- Polytechnic University of Puerto Rico
- Red Ventures / FWD787
- Infragard PR Chapter

CTF events

Related tags: organization good c++ algorithms base64 being_confused reverse engineering carving java basic security concepts basic programming html rop googling basic sql injection buffer overflow attacks algebra bruteforce javascript nothing oscp joking. reversing exploitation crypto coding .net ruby web reverseengineering programming css node.js reverse forensics python linux c c misc rev django pwning humanctf engineering rce cca2 rsa nc http netcat php ssti binaryexploitation format-string cracking miscellaneous pwn bufferoverflow shellcode bof ghidra video reverse_engineering xor golang password-cracking dns lfi go stego msb usb-keyboard pwntools pcapng tsami 0xsvdwi tn xxd grep steganography aes-ecb privesc warmups the-monkeys-maze reverse-engineering pod-racing cerulean-express windows powershell just-simulations sudden-death osint audio pcap phishing math hard rf hardware simulation networking cryptography scapy nfqueue risc-v riscv warmup medium easy expert beginner simic prng qrcode madrid real ret2win revesing pyjail dsgdfg sqlinjection sql-injection sqli file_path_traversal adsfdfgh