Offical URL:

MOCA ( CTF is organized by Metro Olografix in collaboration with fibonhack and PWNX. The CTF will feature challenges across various categories - Web exploitation, Pwn, Forensics, Reverse Engineering, Cryptography, and Miscellaneous. The challenges cater to both beginners in the cybersecurity field as well as those who are more advanced.

21th June - 22th June (Time TBD) - Online
13th September - 15th September (Time TBD) - Presence

24 hours quals
24 hours finals

Finals location:
MOCA Camp - Italy - Pineto - International Camping Torre Cerrano

More information regarding sponsors,prizes and regulations will be revealed shortly.

CTF events

MOCA CTF - Finals0.00
MOCA CTF - Quals25.00
Related tags: looking_stupid forensics web pwn ctf basic linux rev