Offical URL:

Onsite ONLY
Venue: IIIT Hyderabad
Event Format: Jeopardy

Prizes: TBD
Decent cash prizes for top 1,2 teams are guaranteed, however we are waiting on some sponsors to increase this prize pool further.

Participation Categories
Beginner (Must enrolled in the 1st year of undergraduate college or lesser)
[Different prizes will be provided in each category]

Organizing Team: 0x1337iiit
(Hacking club of IIIT Hyderabad)

Official Email: [email protected]

This is a simple beginner friendly onsite CTF hosted in the booming tech hub Gachibowli, Hyderabad.
We welcome all students and professionals alike to attend the CTF.
There will also be a small talk session preceding the CTF.
We plan to have 40% easy, 35% medium challenges and 25% hard challenges.

CTF Start: 2025-02-08:09:30:00 UTC
CTF End: 2025-02-09 08:30:00 UTC
Translating to 3pm(sat)-2pm(sunday) local time for just the CTF
The talk session will be hosted from 1pm-3pm Just before the CTF Starts.

This the maximum span of the entire event, actual timings might be very slightly lesser which we will decide and appropriately mention while making the public listing for the CTF.

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CTF events
