Offical URL:

Full event and CTF name
--> ECTF

Link to event logo
--> picture added on the website

Event start datetime (UTC)
--> Friday, 31st January 2025, 12.00PM UTC+1

Event finish datetime (UTC)
--> Sunday, 2nd February 2025, 12.00PM UTC+1

Official site URL
--> not available for the moment

Event format (jeopardy/attack-defence/etc)
--> Jeopardy

Is event online or onsite (location if onsite)
--> online

Organizers team name (You need to be a member of the team, if there is no such team at CTFtime, please, register it)

Prizes, description, etc
--> No prize
--> This is a CTF created by 6 students. The main goal is to introduce IT and cybersecurity through CTF to new people
--> Categories : OSINT, MISC, Web, Forensic, Crypto...

CTF events
