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Annual CTF organized by Block. Puzzles are on the easier end of college level CTFs.

CTF events

BlockCTF 2024 (Formerly SquareCTF)52.43
Square CTF 202340.71
Square CTF 202236.60
Block CTF 202130.75
Block CTF 202035.14
Square CTF 201924.56
Square CTF 201825.00
Block CTF 201725.00
Related tags: php python mikrotik paloalto cisco nothing reverse_engineering hardware hacking unix coding java forensics penetration testing misc sqlinjection stego crackme hidden crawler networking linux web programming vulnerability coder reverse engineering analysis re forensic malware mobile slacking gradle gulp npm bsd docker node.js c++ esper ruby security cdos software engineering developing ssl injection dns reversing radare2 bochs creating html - filesystem basketball digital debugging opencv assembly copy paste proccessing math graphs network mysql c ubuntu computer games algorithms electronics sleeping bash arduino c crypto bufferoverflow exploitation rop pwntools cryptography cryptography-rsa exploit miscellaneous programming.algorithm ctf stuff pwnable networks analyzing puzzles researching troubleshooting football pwn reverse mbr qemu gameboy pain bgb compiler sql websec pcap image processing terminal_characters tshark no$gmb binwalk binaryninja code, escape wireshark rev javascript basic android bruteforce csharp python3 jeopardy json powershell raspberry windows xml css regex owasp exploiting strings bypass writeup cpa poweranalysis aes qrcode postscript rsa modular-arithmetic x86 captcha ocr asm go 2018 dotndash squarectf grep glyphs ttf js crc hash imagemagick ppc md5 meme based ascii shellshock cgi guessing xor binary usb rubic steganography engineering stegno golang z3 esoteric-language perl eval esolang make wasm webasm snake_oil pyc robots bot logic discord hex decode base64 encryption arm32 svg xss algebra pyjail sqli bypassfilter ssrf amp nodejs sop jsonp proxy hyperelliptic-curves python-exploitation puzzle game signin traffic blackbox warmups sandbox namespace protobuf dotnet cas rebyc ret2libc shellcode trivial hmac time guess google-sheets nosql-injection nosqli timing-attack nosql mongodb burpsuite reverse-proxy floating-point double heap pcapng kernel beginner meta scripting ai quantum extreme uiuctf uiuctf2021 rjcyber osint autopsy jailbreak comments cloud kubernetes containers lambda aws flink horizontcms machine privesc cve-2021-3492 kerberoasting delegation pickle s3 ptrace __do_global_ctors_aux maths yafu vhdl medium csp-bypass csp antidebug objective-c mac protocol signal decoding emoji exiftool metadata factoring tls bin hard cookie-forgery cookie escape oracle password